A View on Cultural Diplomacy in France; The High Position of Culture in Diplomacy

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of French Language and Literature, University of Tehran

2 MA in British Studies, University of Tehran


There is no doubt that culture is of the most important principles of diplomacy in a country that established the first ministry of culture in the world. Such a unique attention to culture and its role in international relations is based on the French government and the politicians’ view and concentration on the issue of culture in this country for a long time. Since five centuries ago, culture has been considered by the government (or the authority) in this country and has been among the basic elements of identity and power. On the other hand, France has tried to found its historical magnificence and power on the basis of culture and art all through the history especially since the Louis XIV era. The government’s support from culture in all aspects and presenting issues such as “cultural exception” recently, have been done in this regard. The question which can be asked is: With what system and support has France made such a complicated network and what purposes is France following in this way?” The current paper tries to depict the role and position of culture in the internal and foreign policy of France through a historical approach and present a clear image from the cultural diplomacy of this country.


Main Subjects

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