Hidden discourse, power and media in the Middle East (Case study: Saudi Arabia)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Linguistics Department, Shahid Beheshti University, Iran

2 Msc. Student, Linguistics, Alzahra University, Iran


Media is the tool of production and dictation of meanings and thoughts. Through the media, the political ideology is nurtured, conveyed and fixed in the personal and collective unconscious of the people. The Middle East region, especially its Arabic part, has an ideological structure. This ideological structure is based on using the mass media as a tool for production, reproduction and idea dictation. The base of such use is the reproduction of the hegemony of these political systems and the production of legitimacy and excessive legality for them. Pan-Arabism and Islamism are two Nodal points that are used for covering this hidden discourse. This article, in order to have a better and a more critical investigation, has focused on Saudi Arabia, as the most prominent Arabic country in the Middle East in its ideological structure and the mass media usage. This piece of writing shows how the mass media in the Middle East has been changed to a tool for dictating discourse and the hidden power of the political structure for the perennial guarantee of its domination.  


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