Impact and influence in the French and American architectures: competition on height and Glory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, French Studies, University of Tehran, Iran

2 M.A. in North American Studies, University of Tehran, Iran


Influencing and being influenced as a result of contact and communication of the nations has created many manifestations of culture and art in the history which architecture is one of. The roots and symbols of the French Architecture and their impact on American complex architecture can be seen and looked for from the time of arrival of the French to the soil of the American land. The impact of the French architecture on the American architecture, in addition to producing similar or inspired buildings is one of the factors causing development and continuity of competition and more innovation in the field of building higher and more modern structures and buildings and also globalizing this competition in the field of architecture: a process in which both France and the U.S were part of. Among all, the Eiffel tower and the Empire State Building had a lot of influence and importance inside and outside of both countries as two famous symbols of French and American architecture. This paper examines the bilateral impacts of French and American architecture using historical analysis method and also compares the Eiffel Tower and the Empire state skyscraper and examines their impact on building higher structures and on the created competition in the world of architecture.


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