New constitution of Iraq and reemergence the political conflict

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Political Science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran


Events of September the 11 and then US invasion of Iraq resulted in wide formal and substantial alterations in political and security equilibriums of the Middle East. By eliminating Sadam Hussein, US was trying to engineer a new government and power structure in Iraq, within which the nature of a new constitution is considerably important. The author believes that the method of the approval of the new constitution of Iraq is one of the components of the emerging the political instability and intensified violence in the present Iraq. Because there are many ethnological, religious and sociological cross-cuttings and a strong tribalism with growing tendency towards separatism and a relatively strong religious differentiation between Kurds, Shiites and Sunnis in Iraq will turn the new constitution of Iraq into inconsistency and incompatibility.


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