France’s approach to Iran under Sarkozy: competition and aggression

Document Type : Research Paper


PhD., General Linguistics, University of Tehran, Iran


Iran-France relations have gone through many ups and downs in the last three decades. Yet, during the last few years and especially during the presidency of Sarkozy, an unforeseen coldness dominated the relations between the two countries. It seems that recent events in the area and Iran’s Nuclear power profile accompanied by changes taken place especially in France’s approach to Iran. This paper is trying to answer why France adopted such an intense standpoint towards Iran during Sarkozy’s presidency. Considering the Neo-Realistic theories which emphasize on preventing the appearance of regional hegemonies, the writer believes that France’s concerns about Iran’s rising power in the region, the friction of their interests in the regional level and also Iran’s attempt to access nuclear technology which in the meantime increases its power factor, is the most important reasons for France’s aggressive approach towards Iran.


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