A Look into the Identity Crisis in Colombia, with a focus on the Film, Mary! You are Blessed

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Spanish Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D Candidate, American Studies, University of Tehran, Iran


Maria is 17 and from Colombia. She leaves her family and friends behind, and heads for the United States to deal drugs. In the final moments of her return to Colombia, she decides that she would be better off staying in the United States. Latin American Identity is a heated topic that has caused a lot of debates in recent years. However the social, political, and cultural aspects of the region has come to a point, where the young generation are not able to preserve and transfer this identity to future generations. The aim of this study is to identify the aspect that makes Maria to leave everything and everyone behind, and choose a life outside of her birthplace. The descriptions and details of Maria's situation shows that the social identity crisis is an issue the younger Latin American generation is facing. Many Latin American youth have chosen to refuse their ancestral identification, so to create a new identity for themselves in a more advanced society.


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