The Political Outcomes of the French Electoral System

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, French Studies, University of Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D Candidate, Geopolitics, Kharazmi University, Iran


In this paper, the French electoral system in different layers of power and its impact on voter’s political life and behavior is explored. The French chose the two-step plurality system in the National Assembly elections. This electoral style has caused the multi-party and bipolar system to be institutionalized in the land of flowers. Although this electoral system is harmful to Minor Parties especially the extreme right party, it has turned into a French tradition which most of the parties and political groups desire. Although the French electoral system is not as fair as the proportional system, it has caused efficiency and stability in the Fifth Republic political system. This system, is not only influential on the array of political forces, it has also affected the behavior of voters and political parties. In this paper, the outcomes of this electoral system is explored after examining how in different levels of power votes are converted to parliamentary seats.


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