Roots and Consequences of Unleashing Capitalism



The current economic crisis that plagued the west since 2008
and followed by the Occupy Wall Street movement in 2011,
were the results of the processes started since the last years of
the Cold War and has turned the western capitalist system into
an unstrained ideology. The neoliberal economic model,
globalization of economy, limitation of the power of the
national governments, the emergence of new technologies,
abundance of a variety of non-productive jobs such as
capitalism relying on finance, resulted in the global power to be
belonged to a few global capitalists, and thus class division
becomes severe in the west especially in American society. The
democratic institutions in the west and the media which often
belongs to the capitalist ideology, not only failed to prevent this
problem but they intensified it more. In this study, by situation
analysis method and by examining the effective institutions and
the current political and economic environment and the role of
the capitalist system competitors, it has been tried to analyze
the process of decision making in the US government as the
main agent in pre and post Cold War eras. Finally it is
concluded that actually the main reason of the unstrained
capitalist system, more than anything, is the loss of the
competing ideology in political arena.
