An Anthropological Study on Aria Varna and Dasa Varna Social Classes in the Rig-Vedic



This article aims to provide an anthropological study of Aria Varna and Dasa Varna social classes as a foundation of Indian caste system through exploring the perspective of Rig-Vedic. Adopting the documentary method, the paper maintains that although the early Aryan immigrants to India were nomads, it is hard to presume they had no social classes among themselves. The Ring-Vedic hymns present briefly but distinctly three different classes of Aria Varna. These Rig-Vedic classes include Brahman (priests) Rajanya (kings and nobilities) and Vaisya (farmers and craftsmen), which are the foundations of higher castes of Aria Varna developments within the Indian society. Such a class system properly managed to make a certain Varna social structure similar to Aria Varna and Dasa Varna. The Rig- Vedic divisions drew a close parallel line to the Iranian Avestan form of social class system. Yet there are many justifications to reveal the common origin of both systems, which ascertain Aryans immigration from Iran to India had been a gradual one.
