The Role of Religion in Indian Thoughts with Special Reference to Vivekananda’s Views



Religion has always had a significant role in Indian thoughts and unlike the West, the separation of religion and science has never happened in India. Even today, the role of religion is evident in diverse aspects of Indian life, and religious links and tendencies are represented in the works of contemporary thinkers. But among all contemporary scholars Vivekananda has been a pioneer in this realm and paid more attention to religion. Later thinkers such as Rabinderanat Tagore, Aurobindo, Gandhi, and Radhakrishnan have been under his influence. Vivekananda was a follower of Ramakrishna and believed there is one single truth that is the same in all religions. In his view those who consider religion unnecessary to human life, confuse the essence of religion and one of its aspects. He was also a follower of Vedanta school and was under the influence of Shankara thoughts. Referring to the role of religion in Indian thoughts, this work brings to light Vivekananda’s religious opinions.
