Has India the Stand-Bearer of Fight with Imperialism Come Back to the American Hegemony?



Since the end of the Cold War era in a U-turn in her foreign policy India has changed from a fighter with imperialism to a close ally of the West. Beside political factors, economic factors and above all waves of globalization were among the most influential causes of this U-turn. Analysts hold different attitudes towards why such a change happened and whether it was in the interest of India in the long run. Looking at different approaches this study concludes that India beside her economic interests, for which more than any other reason she adopted such a U-turn, needs a grand strategy so that she can fulfill her main ambition and become a great world power. Focusing just on her immediate interests and ignoring long term results of her policies cannot guarantee her true benefits. At any rate, her achievements and failures in her new way can provide the Iranian foreign policy with very useful experiences.
