Studying the Structure and Purpose of the General US Policy against the IR of Iran in the George W Bush Administration



The present article is an in-depth study of the structures and actors associated with the Bush Administration's anti-Iran general policy. Although the US general policy against Iran dates back to the early Cold War period following which the Iranian nation has always been the target of US propaganda, the structural transformation of this general policy during the Bush Administration is nonetheless an indication of the ever-increasing political will of America for a soft confrontation with Iran. President Barack Obama, the inheritor of this (political) structure, not only has not alleviated the situation, but has also worsened th conditions. In the period between 2006 and 2009, the Bush Administration openly spent more than $200 million to promote its anti-Iran general policy through the so-called "Democracy Promotion" programmes of the US Department of State, The National Endowment for Democracy, and the US International Broadcasting. In addition to the above-mentioned expenses, another $400 million was allocated to covert propaganda. These initiatives, covert or not, altogether promoted regime change in Iran. During his first year in Office, the Obama Administration has asked for and received an additional $50 million of appropriations for its soft war against Iran.
